redAcademy Learnerships
Was created to solve three challenges:
By solving these challenges, redAcademy fast-tracks careers for selected young, talented South Africans, which we call Sprinters. This benefits the youth, the industry and the country – including customers who need innovative IT Solutions. redAcademy is the most efficient path from matric to software career and so much more than your average learnerships.
redAcademy is a stand-alone organisation with a clear goal: give carefully chosen, talented South Africans an opportunity to sprint into their IT careers by working closely with industry-leading redPanda Software senior developers and customers, designed to fast-track careers in the real world.
Our vision is a country and industry where there are an abundance of skills and jobs for our young people. The IT industry is poised to continue growing at lightning speed as technological innovation sweeps through every conceivable industry.
Read how redAcademy is narrowing the gap between skills and opportunity here »
Rather than replace existing training academies, redAcademy has been designed to complement efforts to bring more South Africans into the workforce by proactively developing skilled IT professionals who end the programme with a certificate of achievement and a job.
Our mission is to develop a sustainable pipeline of highly employable and astute software developers to fulfil the local and global IT market recruitment needs. redAcademy does this through offering the most relevant software development and real world skills training to a select group of high school graduates who are representative of South Africa’s demographics.