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Jessica Hawkey, MD of redAcdemy smiling at the camera with a grey background

– Jessica Hawkey Managing Director of redAcademy –


Committed to offering the most efficient path from matric to a software career, Jessica Hawkey has a deep passion for providing talented South Africans with the opportunity to sprint into their software careers by working closely with professional lecturers, industry-leading senior developers and customers, designed to fast-track careers in the real world.

Jessica Hawkey previously held the position of General Manager of Operations at the Carrick group of companies, a multi-award winning offshore Wealth Management organisation. Having joined Carrick from State Street Poland, in which she was responsible for the launch and training of the Asset Manager Services division in the country.

Jessica holds a B Com (Management Accounting) degree from Stellenbosch University and is designated ACMA and GCMA by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). She brings to redAcademy substantial local and international client service management and project experience.

– Contact us –

redPanda Place /
Golf Park / Raapenberg Rd / Mowbray / 7700

+27 21 680 0900


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